系统架构:1.最小安装 2.生产部署 3.高可用部署

Highly available setup with Graylog2 Radio


  1. Elasticsearch v0.90.10

  2. MongoDB (as recent stable version as possible, at least v2.0)

  3. Java 7


is an excellent centralized logging application created by the excellent guys at which utilizes to store logs. It’s scaleable, robust, can deal with a huge number of logs (if coupled with Graylog2-Radio) and best of all, is open source.

There are two components required before we actually install the server and web component of the app. First, we need to have a mongo db database.

1.[install&configure Mongo]

vim /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb.repo[mongodb]name=MongoDB Repositorybaseurl=http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/redhat/os/x86_64/enabled=1gpgcheck=0
yum --enablerepo=mongodb -y install mongo-10gen mongo-10gen-server
# service mongod startStarting mongod:                                           [  OK  ]# chkconfig mongod on

# 开启服务并加入开机启动


# mongoMongoDB shell version: 2.6.1connecting to: testWelcome to the MongoDB shell.For interactive help, type "help".For more comprehensive documentation, see    http://docs.mongodb.org/Questions? Try the support group    http://groups.google.com/group/mongodb-user> use admin                            # 切换到adin数据库switched to db admin> db.createUser(... {... user : "admin",... pwd : "logadmin",... roles : [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ]... }... )Successfully added user: { "user" : "admin", "roles" : [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ] }> db.auth('admin','logadmin')1                                      # 返回1为认证成功


> use graylog2                         # Mongodb使用use就是创建数据库switched to db graylog2> db.createUser(... {... user : "graylog",... pwd : "graylog",... roles : [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ]... }... )Successfully added user: { "user" : "graylog", "roles" : [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ] }> db.auth('graylog', 'graylog')        # 认证测试1

2.[install&configure Elasticsearch]



# java -versionjava version "1.7.0_55"OpenJDK Runtime Environment (rhel- u55-b13)OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)


# yum -y install java7
# wget https://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-0.90.10.noarch.rpm
# yum -y install elasticsearch-0.90.10.noarch.rpm
vim /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml32 cluster.name: graylog2.carson.cn182 bootstrap.mlockall: true319 discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false324 discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["graylog2.carson.cn"]
# service elasticsearch start# service elasticsearch restartStopping elasticsearch:                                    [  OK  ]Starting elasticsearch:                                    [  OK  ]
# cat /var/log/elasticsearch/graylog2.carson.cn.log
[root@graylog2 elasticsearch]# tail /var/log/elasticsearch/graylog2.carson.log [2014-06-16 11:06:35,079][INFO ][node                     ] [Spectral] initializing ...[2014-06-16 11:06:35,088][INFO ][plugins                  ] [Spectral] loaded [], sites [][2014-06-16 11:06:38,316][INFO ][node                     ] [Spectral] initialized[2014-06-16 11:06:38,316][INFO ][node                     ] [Spectral] starting ...[2014-06-16 11:06:38,430][INFO ][transport                ] [Spectral] bound_address {inet[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9300]}, publish_address {inet[/]}[2014-06-16 11:06:41,488][INFO ][cluster.service          ] [Spectral] new_master [Spectral][6Ry1_DIETdiEtNXloG3K-Q][inet[/]], reason: zen-disco-join (elected_as_master)[2014-06-16 11:06:41,605][INFO ][discovery                ] [Spectral] graylog2.carson.cn/6Ry1_DIETdiEtNXloG3K-Q[2014-06-16 11:06:41,663][INFO ][http                     ] [Spectral] bound_address {inet[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9200]}, publish_address {inet[/]}[2014-06-16 11:06:41,664][INFO ][node                     ] [Spectral] started[2014-06-16 11:06:41,695][INFO ][gateway                  ] [Spectral] recovered [0] indices into cluster_state


3.[install&configure graylog2-server]

#wget https://github.com/jaxxstorm/graylog2-server-rpm/releases/download/0.20.0-rc1-1/graylog2-server-0.20.0-rc1.1.el6.noarch.rpm -O graylog2-server-0.20.0-rc1.1.el6.noarch.rpm
# yum -y install graylog2-server-0.20.0-rc1.1.el6.noarch.rpm
# yum install perl-Digest-SHA


# cat string.sh
#!/bin/bash randstr() {  index=0  str=""  for i in {a..z}; do arr[index]=$i; index=`expr ${index} + 1`; done  for i in {A..Z}; do arr[index]=$i; index=`expr ${index} + 1`; done  for i in {0..9}; do arr[index]=$i; index=`expr ${index} + 1`; done  for i in {1..64}; do str="$str${arr[$RANDOM%$index]}"; done  echo $str}echo `randstr`

The binaries live in /opt/graylog2 and the config files live in /etc/graylog2. In this case we need to set a few config options in /etc/graylog2/server.conf

  • is_master = true – you need at least one

  • password_secret – set a 64 character string here. You’ll need to reuse this for any additional server nodes and the web interface portion

  • root_password_sha2 = enter your root password’s hash here

  • elasticsearch_shards = 1 – you only have one elasticsearch host at the moment, so ensure this is set to 1 (change it if you have more than one shard, obviously)

  • elasticsearch_replicas = 0 – see above

  • elasticsearch_cluster_name = graylog2 – set this to the same as your elasticsearch cluster name

  • elasticsearch_transport_tcp_port = 9350 – make sure this is not the same as your elasticsearch node you configured previously

  • elasticsearch_discovery_zen_ping_multicast_enabled = false

    elasticsearch_discovery_zen_ping_unicast_hosts = localhost:9300 – remember what we said about multicast previously? This allows you to discover the cluster

  • Mongodb info – make sure you set useauth to true, and add your database, username and password here

cat /etc/graylog2/server.conf
is_master = truenode_id_file = /etc/graylog2-server-node-idpassword_secret = JtMBS4TbbjtPALosVZUk50sUYnsc0pVOkkpKzrD40r6nsoSl5fnSZ6z3PWflFWRy #随机生成root_password_sha2 = 76cd2c0d...7c1b28bee   # 通过 echo -n yourpassword | shasum -a 256 获得plugin_dir = plugin rest_listen_uri = = 20000000elasticsearch_max_number_of_indices = 20retention_strategy = deleteelasticsearch_shards = 1                    # 集群数量elasticsearch_replicas = 0elasticsearch_index_prefix = graylog2allow_leading_wildcard_searches = falseelasticsearch_cluster_name = graylog2       # 这个名称和elasticsearch.yml中的配置一样elasticsearch_node_name = graylog2-serverelasticsearch_transport_tcp_port = 9350           # 注意下这个端口号elasticsearch_discovery_zen_ping_multicast_enabled = false         # 建议使用单播方式elasticsearch_discovery_zen_ping_unicast_hosts = localhost:9300    # 改成localhost(可以写好多个)elasticsearch_analyzer = standardoutput_batch_size = 5000processbuffer_processors = 5outputbuffer_processors = 5processor_wait_strategy = blockingring_size = 1024mongodb_useauth = truemongodb_user = grayloguser                # 在Mongodb数据库中创建用户mongodb_password = gl2-password           # 在Mongodb数据库中创建的密码mongodb_host =                  # Mongodb服务主机ip或者hostnamemongodb_database = graylog2               # 创建的数据库mongodb_port = 27017                      # 链接数据库的端口号mongodb_max_connections = 100mongodb_threads_allowed_to_block_multiplier = 5transport_email_enabled = falsetransport_email_hostname = mail.example.comtransport_email_port = 587transport_email_use_auth = truetransport_email_use_tls = truetransport_email_use_ssl = truetransport_email_auth_username = you@example.comtransport_email_auth_password = secrettransport_email_subject_prefix = [graylog2]transport_email_from_email = graylog2@example.cn


# java -jar /opt/graylog2/server/graylog2-server.jar -f /etc/graylog2/server.conf2014-06-16 12:24:43,890 INFO : org.graylog2.outputs.OutputRegistry - Initialized output 
.2014-06-16 12:24:44,023 INFO : org.graylog2.indexer.ranges.RebuildIndexRangesJob - Index [graylog2_0] is empty. Not calculating ranges.2014-06-16 12:24:44,025 INFO : org.graylog2.indexer.ranges.RebuildIndexRangesJob - Done calculating index ranges for 1 indices. Took 161ms.2014-06-16 12:24:44,027 INFO : org.graylog2.system.jobs.SystemJobManager - SystemJob <24451020-f50e-11e3-863a-1ab442c6715b> [org.graylog2.indexer.ranges.RebuildIndexRangesJob] finished in 200ms.2014-06-16 12:24:49,223 INFO : org.glassfish.jersey.server.ApplicationHandler - Initiating Jersey application, version Jersey: 2.5 2013-12-18 14:27:29...2014-06-16 12:24:51,970 INFO : org.graylog2.Core - Started REST API at 
# service graylog2-server startStarting graylog2-server: # chkconfig graylog2-server on

4.[install&configure graylog2-web-interface]

# wget https://github.com/jaxxstorm/graylog2-web-rpm/releases/download/0.20.0-rc1-1/graylog2-web-0.20.0-rc1.1.el6.noarch.rpm -O graylog2-web-0.20.0-rc1.1.el6.noarch.rpm# yum install graylog2-web-0.20.0-rc1.1.el6.noarch.rpm

The config file for the web interface is much simpler than the server interface. Take a look in /etc/graylog2/web.conf. You need two fields

  • graylog2-server.uris – set this to the server address, usually local host unless you made them seperate

  • application.secret=”" – set this to the same key you have in server.conf password_secret

# vim /etc/graylog2/web.conf
# /opt/graylog2/web/bin/graylog2-web-interface -Dconfig.file=/etc/graylog2/web.conf Play server process ID is 3153[info] play - Application started (Prod)[info] play - Listening for HTTP on /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9000


# service graylog2-web start# chkconfig graylog2-web on
